I will periodically add to this list as I think of more questions. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like, in whatever way you'd like. If you link to this page I may discover your response and link to it.
- The Pagan community includes people who have a wide variety of different personal expressions as far as fashion and culture go. How would you define your own personal expression? Do you feel alternative modes of self-expression are harmful, neutral, or beneficial to the Pagan community as a whole?
- Recently some people coined the phrase "Wiccanate privilege," which refers to the ways that "general" Pagan groups, books, and websites focus on beliefs and practices specific to Wicca to the detriment of other Pagan faiths. Do you feel that this is a genuine concern? Why or why not?
- How do you view the Divine? Do you acknowledge or worship any Deities? If so, what do you feel is the most appropriate way to honor them? (View my answer here.)
- Cultural appropriation is the practice of people in a majority culture adopting the styles, practices, and/or beliefs of a minority culture... for instance, a white person wearing a Native American headdress. There are many people who accuse the Eclectic Pagan community of cultural appropriation. Do you feel this is a fair accusation? Why or why not? If so, how do we reconcile our beliefs with this reality?
- Increasingly there are distributors that mass-produce items of interest to Pagan practitioners, including religious statuary, Tarot decks, Witchcraft kits, and magickal tools. Do you feel this is largely a good thing or a bad thing? Why or why not?
- Especially if your family is Christian, is it difficult for you to deal with the holiday season? Why or why not? If it is, what are your coping mechanisms?
- For Pagans who also practice Witchcraft, how much of your practice is geared toward spellcraft and how much of it is geared toward worship?
- Culturally speaking, Pagans are likely to strive toward being environmentally friendly. Do you feel that we are succeeding in this? Why or why not? How do you personally contribute?